Monday - AM - Gym, PM - 4 miles
Tuesday - 45 min stairs
Wednesday - AM - 30 min stairs, PM - 6 miles
Thursday - AM - 6 miles (2 mile warmup, 2 mile Float 30/30, MT 110, 2 mile cool down), PM - 4 miles
Friday - AM - 30 min stairs, PM - Gym
Saturday - 0 - Ugh, GI issues
Sunday - 10 miles
Total - 30 miles plus 1.75 hours stairs.
The total is obviously chump nickles without a Saturday long run but overall it was a solid week. There really was nothing I could do about Saturday as GI issues chased me back to the house before even getting down the block. This actually started on Friday night and lingered into Sunday, fun times. I continue to refine my diet and gym time and am down to 203.
As always, I continue to think of all kinds of things to blog about and then when I get some free time... I typically go to sleep!
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