Monday - 18 miles, MT 110, Town Lake - Austin, TX
Tuesday - 4 miles AM, MT 110, Town Lake - Austin, TX
13 mile PM, MT 110, Town Lake - Austin, TX
Wednesday - 0 miles
Thursday - 6 miles, MT 101
Friday - 4 miles
Saturday - 5 miles
Sunday - 6 miles
Total - 56 miles
Weight - 206
Nice easy week of running. I always enjoy getting out on the trails, even if they are as tame as Town Lake. I wanted to get out and run the Cactus Rose 100 course but my schedule was just too tight on this trip. I was able to catch lunch with Jim and Doom and it seems like they are up to no good with talk of some kind of podcast....
I am already down 6 lbs since starting a new diet and adding more focused lifting to my routine. That puts me on pace to lose 9-10 lbs in May (started towards the end of June) and would probably have me down to around 200. If you do the math, I'm 6'4, so that kind of weight loss isn't advisable over the long term. I would like to get down close to 180 before really ramping up the running in July and August. Then I won't have to worry about trying to lose weight between the Texas summer heat and trying to run up near 100 mpw.
This coming week marks my "official" start of Cactus Rose training. I used this last year to train for Cajun Coyote and I felt like it prepared me for the race and kept me healthy. However, I did injury my ankle a couple of weeks before CC at a local 50k and that ultimately resulted in a DNF at CC. I plan to use that same plan again but will add in 2 - 4 hours of stairs a week and will probably run more miles than the plan calls for. I would like to average 100 mpw for September before starting my taper.
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