Monday - AM - 30 min Stairs, Lunch - Gym, PM - 4 miles - I over did everything and would pay for it the rest of the week. Obviously my legs felt great from the break and I totally trashed them during the stair session and that was a bit confusing to me but who am I to argue with my body.
Tuesday - 45 min Stairs - Legs felt like tree stumps
Wednesday - AM - 30 min stairs, Lunch - Gym, PM - Rain out - I tried to run but the wife shut me down b/c she claimed there was "too much lightening!"
Thursday - AM - 4 miles, PM - 6 mile float, MT101 - Legs still felt very heavy and left me wondering why I took time off from running on my vacation?
Friday - AM - 45 min stairs, Lunch - Gym - Dead legs theme continues
Saturday - 0 - I am so not an ultra runner
Sunday - 7 miles RCP (a few pics of it in this post), MT110 - It was about 92 and my legs were still heavy but I seemed to finally get a kick towards the end of this run.
Target - 50 miles
Actual - 17 miles + 2.5 hours stairs
So that really sucked. I expected to come back from my break on fire and really turn out a solid week. No such luck, I obviously was overzealous early on and trashed my legs and then never gave them proper time to recover and ended up totally spent by Saturday. The smarter thing to do would have been to take Thursday and/or Friday off and not skip the Saturday long run but I kept thinking, "Hey! I haven't run for 10 days! I am sure I just need some more time on my feet to shake off the rust"
Oh well, I have managed 17 miles in 17 days... that my friend is the very definition of ultra running.
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