Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week Ending 9.30.12

Monday - AM - 30 min stairs, PM - 4 miles

Tuesday - 1 hour stairs

Wednesday - AM - 30 min stairs, PM - 4 miles

Thursday - 6 miles

Friday - 16 miles, NB 110, Rowlett Creek Preserve

Saturday - 4 miles - Wanted to get in more than that but it was pouring down rain and 4 miles was more than enough.

Sunday - 6 miles

Total - 40 miles plus 2 hours stairs

Pretty lack luster of a week but it felt good to get out and do something each day after taking off two days last week.  I'll probably push the miles out to 60+ and still try to get in a couple of hours of stairs this coming week.  So Doom reminded me this week that we had talked about doing the R2R2R in the spring of '13.  Well, that is closer than it seems and now is the time to start planning for '13.  I am leaning towards Grasslands 50 in March, Hells Hills 50 in April (WS Qualifier), R2R2R in May, El Scorcho 50k in July, Leadville 100 (travel for R2R2R might make this unlikely - so probably only one of these two), and Cactus Rose 100.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week Ending 9.23.12 - A Reset

Monday - AM - 30 min stairs, PM - Gym - Press, Bench, Squat, Dead

Tuesday - AM - 1 hour stairs, PM - 4 miles

Wednesday - AM - 6 miles, PM - 6 miles

Thursday - 1 hour stairs

Friday - Off

Saturday - Off

Sunday - 12 miles, NB 110, Rowlett Creek Preserve

Total - 28 miles plus 2.5 hours stairs

Car Parked in the Woods?

I did something to my left foot while fishing in Oklahoma but didn't think anything of it until it was still bothering me on Thursday.  I slipped in a creek, stepped awkwardly on a rock and ended up with deep bruise or something.  So I decided to take a couple of days off this week, given that there is no race looming.  Things felt fine on my run this afternoon but it was hot as hell and I am tired of running in the heat!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Life Calls - No Cactus Rose 100

There are things in life that are bigger than races and once such event has come calling on the same weekend as Cactus Rose 100.  I will not be at this years race but plan to be there next year....

Monday, September 10, 2012

Rack 'Em, I'm Done

I've decided to step away from the gym and take a break from lifting until after Cactus Rose 100.  I've been very pleased with my the progress I made in the gym.  I'm lifting more than ever and feel that my core is stronger than it has ever been.  I'll be grinding out the miles over the next few weeks and will probably even hit some triples.

Monday, September 3, 2012


I got attacked by a dog tonight and, needless to say, my run got cut short.  Luckily the dog managed to rip my shorts up pretty good but some how was able to avoid actually biting me.  The owner was holding a leash in his hand but for some reason the dog wasn't on it....

Anyway, that gives me a bit of extra time this evening to enjoy a nice brew